Monday, January 25, 2010

25/365: Buh-Bye

building has begun on the lot next door
goodbye sweet tree...
hello dust, dirt, varmits, loud noises, and no sleeping baby....


  1. oh, I am sorry! Sorry for the tree and sorry for you and your kids.

    Hey, great capture though.

    Thank you for your sweet, sweet comment on my picture. You're too kind. It was the crop that made that picture work.

  2. Aww... man that sticks. Hopefully it will make for good neighbors!

  3. Perhaps the new neighbors will have sweet children just the right ages to befriend your own. We'll pray for it.

  4. Yuck! Well, hopefully it will go quickly!

  5. It is always sad to see a nice tree go. We had to cut one down when we added on to our house.



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