Friday, January 15, 2010

15/365: Rainy Day

rainy friday = indiana jones wii
the baby loves it


  1. GREAT picture!!!
    I am starting Project 365, too, although a little later than everyone else. i am starting on 1/22/10, which is my 39th birthday. This way I will finish on 1/22/11, my 40th!!! I have my blog set up and ready to go. Would love if you would follow!!! :-)

  2. Fun on a riany day! LOVE your windows!!!

  3. Rainy day fun - what a great room!

  4. What a nice, spacious room you have for Wii fun. I bet it is a good distraction for baby. I didn't have such luck when mine were little. ;-)

  5. I love this little glimpse into your day! Your house is beautiful!

  6. What a fun shot! I just love all your windows and that looks like a wonderful room to relax or play in.



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