Saturday, February 20, 2010

51/365: 9 Months

i can't believe that it has been 9 months since this sweetie came into our lives.
thank you God.


  1. So sweet!! Those little ones on the move are hard to capture. Good job!

  2. doesn't it go by so fast! he is such a little cutie - love those cheeks!

  3. My "little one" is 12 1/2 and I so miss the days when he was this small. I'm impressed you are doing the 365 project. I couldn't be that consistent!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and hope you will come by again. Happy Week!

  4. How sweet!! I miss my 2yo being that age. They grow so fast.

  5. Becca, I saw you visited me today. Thanks for coming. Really like the project you have here which inspires me to NOT allow my camera to be idle. Get up; take a picture! Those kiddos are so cute; the little one reminds me of my youngest who always had her mouth open at that age. Funny! :0
    Also watched a few of your videos, too. Very good!



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